Introduction and Background History

Image result for sims metal managementSims Metal Management was founded in 1917 by Albert Sims of Sydney, Australia. His one-man, horse and cart recycling business soon became Albert G. Sims Limited in 1928. In 1968 it was renamed Simsmetal Limited. By 1970, Simsmetal merged with Consolidated Metal Products Limited and has since then been traded publicly on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). In 1979, Sims Consolidated Limited was acquired by Peko-Wallsend Limited and was taken off the ASX. Following the delisting, Sims Consolidated Limited was acquired by North Limited and then Elders Resources. In 1990, Carter Holt Harvey Limited successfully took over Elders Resources and divested Sims. Sims then changed it's name to Simsmetal Limited in 1990 and relisted on the ASX in 1991. By 2003, their name was changed once again to Sims Group Limited.

Most recently, Sims Group Limited acquired Metal Management in 2008. This acquisition officially created the world's largest metal recycling company. In November of that year, it's name was changed to Sims Metal Management Limited by it's shareholders.

Today, Sims is still traded on the ASX and remains the world's largest metal and electronic recycler. In 2014, Sims brought in over 7 billion dollars in revenue while operating throughout over 270 locations on 5 continents. Currently, Sims employs over 6,300 people globally. 

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